Is it a Christmas Miracle or was Amy DeLange just saving our chickens from being Christmas dinner? That was my first thought when Sterling showed us what he found in the chicken coop. We had been threatening the chicken that they would be Christmas dinner if they didn't start producing eggs. They finally took our threats serious Christmas Eve. We have been waiting for about 7 1/2 months for eggs. We got two eggs the first day and then two days later 2 more. I guess we will keep the chickens.
Heidi and I went shopping back in November looking at Christmas decorations. The stockings she likes were very expensive so I volunteered to help her make her own. I had no idea what I was in for. We finally finished them tonight. We worked on them an hour here and there. We didn't have any patterns so we design them as we went along. I must say that they turned out very cute. So if you see stocking for $90 you might want to just buy them unless you have about 20 to 30 hours to work on them. I would do it all over again even knowing the time and hassle involved. I was fun to work with Heidi and create a fun memory that will last forever. And she did buy extra fabric so we can make more as her family grows.
Heidi had her piano recital last night for her piano students. Everyone did a great job on their songs. I am so proud of Heidi for all the work that she puts into her teaching. Whitney and Brent both Performed.
Heidi and Brady
(Yes she cut and colored her hair).
Haley didn't play this year. She just couldn't seem to get her four and five fingers to work. Maybe next spring she can perform. She did manage to get in on a few of the pictures.